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Passionate about narratives since the days of shared diaries with childhood friends, I felt that I should practice writing professionally when, as an adult, I found myself strongly silenced by the dominant stories in Literature, Audiovisual, Theater... and especially in Education.

Looking around, notice: millions more are being made invisible by the dominant narratives. What to do about it?

I initially graduated in Chemistry (IFF) - a profession I exercised in the field of research at UFRJ until 2020 - and I feel that this performance nurtured me with a critical sense , fundamental for my understanding as an Educator - graduated in Pedagogy (UERJ). Education, in turn, strengthens me so that I can affirm myself as a Writer today , because what are stories if not powerful pedagogical resources loaded with MEANINGS, MEMORY and EMOTIONS that cross each one of us in a particular way?

Since then I have been dedicating myself academically - postgraduate studies in Literature, Arts and Contemporary Thought (PUC) - and professionally to the multiple uses of writing as a screenwriter and playwright , mainly without ever abandoning the affectionate look that I perfect through the exercise of film direction .

To this end, I have been participating in various training processes, where I highlight the essential contribution of Centro Afrocarioca de Cinema Zózimo Bulbul, Rede Globo, Roteiraria Escola and Instituto de Cinema, which make me a multidisciplinary agent of words.

Laboratório de Narrativas FLUP/Rede Globo
FLIP 2019 - Acompanhada das escritoras Miriam Alves e Ana Carolina Lacorte
Participação do CineLab Aprendiz 2019, disponível no SyFy e Universal Channel
Ao lado de Conceição Evaristo, trocando autógrafos
Ao lado do diretor Pilar, orientador na direção do curta "Encruza"
Na pré-estreia de "Yabá: mulheres negras" no teatro Sesi Firjan no RJ, ao lado de elenco e direção.
Cinelab Aprendiz 2 ªTemporada - Foto: Ad
Entrevista para Jornal Nacional (2019) sobre a FLUP
Encerramento do Laboratório de Narrativas FLUP/Rede Globo com orientadores Patricia Andrade, Marton
Na EM Marielle Franco na Maré, ministrando oficina baseada no livro "Mari, a sementinha"
Cinelab Aprendiz 2 ªTemporada - Foto_ Ad

©2020 by Maíra Oliveira.

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